No. 9/22 SUBSCRIBER EDITION: please go to to sign up

Welcome to Synopsis, Potato Storage Insight's monthly publication bringing you news, technical information and developments on potato storage issues.

Harvest has progressed very well in many areas of the country over the past month or so, with several growers we have spoken to reporting they are on-target for completion by the third week of October. But there still remain fields of later-maturing varieties, like this one, which will not see the harvester for a few more days yet...
As stores become loaded and heat is being removed from the store, condensation and sprout control are factors to be considering, as outlined in our Topical tips for October.
PSI activity
Planning for the winter months has featured highly on our list of tasks for PSI input over recent weeks. We've been busy booking our presence at BP2023 in Harrogate next November and have started making plans for our next 2-day Potato Store Managers' Course which will take place on 15 & 16 March 2023 at Bulkington, Warwickshire. You can add your name to the list to receive booking details as soon as they are released by emailing
GB Potatoes announces it has 'gone live'
GB Potatoes (GBP), the fledgling organisation representing and supporting the GB potato industry, has announced that it will be operating formally as GB Potatoes Organisation Ltd. It has been incorporated as a business limited by guarantee and not for profit. It has stressed that ALL stakeholders will have the opportunity to become members; there will be no one controlling influence.
GBP states that its key immediate functions will be:
DEFEND: stand ready to defend the reputation of the industry when required, in a way that no other existing body can.
Re-instate reputational and crisis management function
SPEAK: be the single point of industry contact for overnment, regulators & the media
Coordinated and pro-active support for the industry
Engage on the immediate priority issues affecting the GB Potato Sector
ENABLE: provide the platform for members to work in partnership on projects of mutual interest.
Immediate need to support blight and aphid monitoring programmes
Facilitate conversations and ensure effective applications for available funding to support priority industry need
KNOW: be aware of cross industry research and development activity, current and historic, to reduce duplication and bring together mutual interest groups
COMMUNICATE: provide forums for the whole industry to come together to tackle the current challenges
GBP are asking growers and stakeholders to act NOW to allow their new organisation to represent our industry!
They add that the final operating budget will be agreed once the GBP Governing Body is in place and say that, if the organisation gets strong support from across the whole industry, there may well be sufficient funds generated to reduce subscription rates in subsequent years.
GBP will be looking for growers and industry representatives to complete the Governing Body – if you think you could support the organisation and help steer activity for the benefit of the whole industry please get in touch. You can also find out more at
Follow this link to join.