Problem solving
Browse our free resources or benefit from specialist independent advice, exclusively for subscribers.
Our monthly e-bulletin is packed with topical tips and reminders, advice on dealing with any current, seasonal storage concerns and best practice advice on how to manage your crop for better outturns at reduced cost.
​A full year’s subscription for regular access to professional, specialist and independent help is great value when you consider your crop's worth.
Subscribe to our monthly industry e-bulletin

PSI contributes to and organises regular training events to transfer skills and keep you up to date with the latest developments in store management.
Learn about recent changes in chemistry and energy solutions for potato storage.
Our monthly e-bulletin is packed with the latest news on seminars, discussion groups and other topical forums to help ensure you and your staff are at the forefront of learning when it comes to keeping your crop in tip-top condition.
​A full year’s bulletin subscription provides regular access to information on how to secure professional and independent courses and guidance including top quality BASIS training.
Subscribe to our monthly industry e-bulletin

Specialist advice
Read through our blogs to see how you can benefit from PSI’s specialist independent advice.
Adrian Cunnington has worked at the cutting edge of potato storage since the mid-1980s and has a wealth of experience from which you can benefit as a PSI client.
Our monthly e-bulletin subscription helps you deal with any current, seasonal trends impacting quality or saleability. And we focus regularly on storage cost management as we all strive to deliver more for less, so that margins are not eroded.
​Sign up for a full year to save money on your monthly access to the bulletin. Professional, specialist and independent help can be of great value when you are considering how your returns can be maximised
Subscribe to our monthly industry e-bulletin

Whatever issue you have facing your potato storage, PSI has the knowledge and experience for you to know you won’t have to tackle it on your own.
Need to re-think your marketing strategy? We can advise on how to best store for your target market and provide some guidance on how to avoid possible pitfalls.
If you are looking at new storage and want guidance through the technical maze of cooling and ventilation options, PSI can assist.
And we can help steer you through application processes if you are looking to apply for grants to get your expansion or new idea off the ground.
Need a quotation? Call Adrian today on 07970 072260 or email adrian@potatostorageinsight.com to find out how we can help you.
Subscribe to our monthly industry e-bulletin