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PSI Bulletin: February 2024

No. 2/24 SUBSCRIBER EDITION: please go to to sign up as a Synopsis subscriber. Most of our bulletins are fully accessible only to our subscribers.


Welcome to the February edition of Synopsis, PSI’s monthly digest of potato, storage information and news.


The season continues to be dominated by weather events and continuing rainfall in particular which is likely to impact in a major way in the coming season, with normal planting timetables coming under threat. Storage-wise, with limited stocks available, there is increasing evidence of long-term storage being unloaded early, and this seems likely to result in a period of short supply, later this spring and into early summer. There will also be the challenge of seed storage for many if movement to the field is delayed.


We are picking up on the latter in our technical insight for this month, whilst our best practice update will focus on keeping stores in good shape for the remainder of the season, however long that might be.

PSI's recent activity has very much focused on the forthcoming Store Managers' Course (28/29 Feb) which has completely sold out, but Adrian was able to attend the recent consultation on the proposed National Potato Innovation Centre. Around 40 delegates attended the meeting in Cambridge from all parts of potato research and industry, supplementing earlier gatherings in Dundee and York. It is hoped the Centre will provide a cross-industry platform for research and development as the industry moves forward in the coming years.

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